Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Book Questions 1-31-12--response to reading from pgs 33-49

Journal entry
Page 35
Response to reading pgs 33-49
What is your motivation in this communication situation?
My motivation is to change the mind of the committee so that I can study abroad with the program I applied to.
What do you hope your audience will do or feel or think after they have experienced the communication you will produce?
I hope that they will feel that I am qualified and deserving of being a part of this study abroad, and that they will change their mind about my application and allow me to be a part of it. 
If there is some event or situation that got you wanting to communicate with others, describe it in as much detail as possible.
As a member of the Chancellor's Honor's program, I am required to study abroad.  When looking at my options, the trip I applied for was the only one that fit my schedule, helped my major, and that I felt my family could afford.  I feel that the application did not do a thorough job of capturing who I am, and how I would be an asset to the program.  By meeting with the committee who selects the program's members, I think I could persuade them to accept me into the program
What would be the best possible outcome of the communication?
I would be accepted to go on the study abroad program.
What would be the worst possible outcome?
The committee would not change their minds about my application, and I would be forced to look at other options to satisfy my study abroad requirement.
How will your communication change the situation in which you make the communication?
I believe that the committee will decide that my application should be accepted once they know me better in person rather than just from the information on the application.  Also, I will feel better with myself knowing I tried everything I could to get this program.

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