Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3/27 Lecture

How to convey energy in prose
  • Adjectives: positive, dynamic,avoid cliches and overused language
  • Adverbs and other modifiers
  • Verbs: active, simple verb forms
    • "I believe that people might be interested in a concept like this one." -incredibly boring, vs. "Conscientious people believe in existentialism."  Both sentences are saying the same thing, the second sentence is just more specific.  It's stronger because it has an active verb which means something. 
  • Be specific! Avoid being vague.
  • Avoid self-reference. 
    • This doesn't mean you can't ever use "I", it just means that you shouldn't interject yourself into every situation. 
    • If you're talking about an experience you had that supports your point, obviously you should use that.
  • Public writing is not academic writing; use second person.
    • Don't presume too much about your audience, though.
  • Consider your audience, work on your ethos.
  • Use assertive, aggressive short sentences to make your point.

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